Want To Make A Small Change With Big Impact?





Changing your closet door is a simple solution that can transform a room. My number one choice would be a mirrored door.

  • They make a room appear larger
  • Double as a full length mirror
  • Bring reflective light into a room
  • They look better than a basic bifold or closet door

There are so many different types of mirrored doors to choose from. You can get creative or keep it simple. If you are replacing a door make sure to measure because you might have to make some minor adjustments.

You can also add a full length mirror on the inside of a door pictured above if you are not ready to commit to a total redo.

Changing your closet doors can be simple but with a big impact.

Images via Neatly Designed | Decor Pad | Decor Pad | Little Green Notebook

The Simple Solutions To Get Organized

http-::www.passionforsavings.com:deal:2014:04:top-10-kindle-books-organization:I want to start this off by saying I love books on organizing. I think if you take away just one thing from the book it was worth purchasing.

Of course there is a but, the one thing I hear repeatedly is I bought a book on organizing but I haven’t had time to read it.

People have the best intentions but when it comes to getting organized motivation not intention is what will help you reach your goal.

If your really serious and can’t start on your own get the help of a professional or a very organized friend.

The secret to getting organized is very simple. Take the time, make the effort and get it done!

Image via passionforsavings.com


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Simple Solutions…Clear The Container Clutter

crate & barrel storagecrate and barrel2


3-piece-rectangular-storage-container-set (1)Food storage containers are a necessity in the kitchen but for some reason they are over bought and over stuffed into drawers and cabinets.

How many do you really need? Here are tips to pare down storage containers in the kitchen.

If the containers are:

-Warped and cannot close

-Missing a lid


-Too many to fit reasonably in a drawer or cabinet

Go through your containers this weekend and clear the container clutter. You will be amazed how much space you will gain from this one simple project.

Images via Crate & Barrel