Ridding Yourself Of Online Litter


It use to be the paper mail coming to your house that became stacks of clutter but now with computers taking over the way most people receive their mail it is email that is becoming overwhelming. In this article from MORE magazine they give you 20 Quick And Easy Ways To Organize Your Email. Start with these three simple tips to clean up the daily e-mail chaos.


As newsletters pile up, your response may be to delete them without reading. If you find that you keep doing this, take an extra second to open the message and unsubscribe. You’ll be taken to a site where you confirm that you no longer want to be a recipient and the sender’s email will stop showing up in your inbox

Take Out The Trash

The easiest way to de-clutter your inbox is to delete e-mail you no longer need like daily newsletters, meeting notices or spam. One message deleted is one less that needs filing and you will then find what you’re looking for that much faster.

Merge Accounts

If you choose to keep multiple e-mail accounts active at once, you can still opt to have the mail forwarded to the same inbox. For instance, if you have a Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail account, the mail from all these accounts can be delivered to the same inbox to keep it all in one place.

Image Source//Article Source

Before & After Pantry

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Bed Bath Beyond


Bed Bath Beyond


One of the easiest places to start to get organized is the pantry. This client’s project took very little time with very big results.

The first step to any organizing process is to purge. Remove expired food and any item that you intended to use but never did. I won’t give examples on this because we all have those items.

Do not buy anything until the purging process is over and you see what you have left. Measure the shelving and only purchase what you need.

Group like things together. Clear containers allow for easy access to food items. Group kids snacks, baking supplies, pastas and all the ingredients for your morning protein shake. It not only looks organized but will make your life easier and more efficient. When you can see what you have you will not over buy which will save you money. Baskets work best on lower shelves for paper products and larger items.

I hope today’s before and after inspires you to tackle an organizing project in your home.

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How Do You Organize Your Jeans?




You would be surprised how many people have a “system” when it comes to their jeans. People like to stack them, hang them by the top of the jean, by the bottoms, by the belt loops and the most common way is to fold over a hanger.

One way to keep your jeans organized is to keep similar jeans together. Each style, bootcut, straight leg, wide leg should all be grouped together so you can find what you are looking for easily.

No system is right or wrong. Depending on the space you have in your closet and the number of jeans you have the rule of thumb is generally what works best for you.

The most important thing to remember when you take them off hang them up!

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