How Many Is Too Many?

Do any of these photos look familiar? Duplicates are the most common problem I see when uncluttering a client’s home. Bathrooms, kitchens and closets are the most common area that you will find duplicate items?

  • How many nail clippers do you need?
  • How many drink Koozie’s do you need for a tailgate?
  • How many games of Scrabble do you need?

Multiple items take up valuable room especially in small spaces. Pairing down multiples to the ones you use the most or like the best allows you to find what you are looking for quickly.


How One Shopping Bag Can Clear Clutter of the simplest ways to keep your closet free of clutter is to keep a shopping bag in your closet to put unwanted items you no longer wear. These are some of the criteria for what goes in the bag.

  • If you try something on and you don’t like how you look or feel in it.
  • If a pair of shoes hurt your feet and you will never wear them again.
  • If you have costume jewelry that is out of style or you just never wear it.
  • If you purchase one new item, one old item goes in the bag.

If you keep adding to your closet but never remove anything that is when your closet becomes cluttered and unmanageable. The shopping bag concept alleviates overcrowding and leaves your closet with only the things you love and wear. With all of your unwanted items in one bag it makes it convenient to consign or donate.

Image Bloomingdales

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Start Your Day In A Stress Free Way
It’s National Coffee Day today and these photos are beautiful, organized home coffee bars meant to inspire you to set up your own coffee area in your home. Here are a few simple tips to help get you started.
  • Find an area in your kitchen or use a piece of furniture outside of the kitchen to create your coffee bar space.
  • Purge broken, chipped, mismatched and faded mugs. Invest in a new set of white cups or mugs to give you a clean, organized look.
  • Keep coffee essentials together such as coffee, filters, sugar and spoons.

Keep it simple. The purpose of setting this up is to bring calm to the start of your day.