Simple Solutions//Before & After Linen Closet

IMG_1451 (1)This week’s before and after is a linen closet that was purged and reorganized.

Most linen closets are home to more than linens. Use these simple steps to organize your linen closet.

-Remove all items that should not be there.

-Put all like items together and remove any that you no longer need.

-Donate sheets and blankets to a local shelter.

-Anything that is useless to you, can be useful to someone else. DONATE!

How do you know when it’s time to pare down and organize? If you can’t find what you need that is a sure sign!

Is Your Past Interfering With The Present?




IMG_1681The biggest part of my job is getting people to part with items that are taking up valuable space in their homes. They no longer need them or use them but parting with them is so difficult.

These are just a few items that we found this week when clearing the clutter in a client’s home. They represent the length of time things are kept and stored simply because parting with them is like parting with a piece of the past.

It’s always helpful to have someone there when you are taking on the task of clearing clutter.  They are more objective and will give you an honest opinion on why keeping The OC Game that you never opened since the 90’s needs to go.

Saving an item because it might be worth something is just another excuse to keep clutter!

I love my job because although it may be tough letting go of some items my clients feel relieved of stress once they are gone.

This job was definitely a stroll down memory lane.


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HELP My Adult Kids Don’t Want Anything!

IMG_1374When helping client’s downsize one of the most common things I hear is “I saved this because I thought my kids would want it and they don’t want anything.” 

Don’t make your clutter become clutter and stress for your adult children. Ask once and then let it go. Keeping your house full of items with the hope that your children or grandchildren will want something one day is not living in the present.

It’s fine to keep family heirlooms that will be passed down to another generation but saving toys and other memorabilia is taking up valuable space in your home.

  • Box and label adult children’s memorabilia that you have been storing.
  • If you haven’t been able to part with your child’s favorite doll or toy take a picture and then let it go.
  • Corral all the photos you have in your house into one area and separate them into categories. Label and put them in photo boxes.

Your home should not become a storage unit. It should be a place that you enjoy coming home to at the end of the day free of clutter and stress.

This weekend look in your garage, attic, closets and write down all of the items that you would like to get rid of and you will see how much extra space you will gain from clearing the clutter.

Image via Neatly Designed