What Would Betty Drapers’s Closet Look Like?

article-2095132-0AD36CAB000005DC-859_306x4319e7b497d0ed588b9f0d2fd211c63944eHollywood-Glam-Dressing-RoomCustom-closet-island-jewelry-drawers-closet-factoryf3d047321e62a53862f8407e0c664b0amarymcdonalda7e507fc4c7d46a7db8a7ba6c0eb318eI love the show Mad Men and I am so disappointed this will be the last season. One of the big draws to the show beside the incredibly handsome Don Draper is the period it is shot in and the fantastic wardrobes. Betty Draper was at her miserable best when she was married to Don but now that she is with Henry she has taken her “mommy dearest” roll and her wardrobe to the next level. She is every bit the perfect politicians wife and I often wonder what her closet would look like.

I picture a vanity  where she is applying make up and checking to see if every hair is in place. I can envision her sitting in her chaise lounge talking on the phone with a cigarette in her hand. There would be mirrors everywhere so she could catch her reflection at all angles. She would have multiple ways to store all of her jewelry especially her pearls and an amazing chandelier so the lighting would be just right. Fresh flowers would be arranged perfectly on her vanity next to a sterling silver brush set.  Her hats would be stored in boxes and handbags in a neat row.

I am sure we would all agree this closet would be a no kids zone unless they were summoned by “Betty Dearest”.

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Under Stair Storage

IMG_0693DSCN1361DSCN1362DSCN1364One area of the home that has some of the best storage is under the stairs. Here are a few photos to show you how you can utilize the space under the stairs.
For more photos of under stair storage click on the link below.
All Images via Neatly Designed
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A Mother’s Lesson Learned

I read this Ann Landers many years ago when my kids were young. I put it on my bulletin board to remind me whenever I was really tired or overwhelmed with being a Mom how quickly time passes.

I have a daughter graduating from high school next week and from an older mother to all of the young mothers my one bit of advice would be to cherish every moment of parenthood. When my daughter had colic I would think if I can just get through this I will enjoy the next phase and the reality is every phase comes with sleepless nights and some amount of frustration.

Just when you think you have it all figured out you hit the teenage years. They can be stressful but watching them fall in love for the first time or the big smile on their face when they get their drivers license makes it all worth while.

For some reason the high school years come and go the quickest. They seem to not need you as much and start to become very independent. It is suppose to prepare you for when they leave to go off to college, but nothing prepares you for that moment. Only time helps heal that void.

Live in the present and enjoy every moment, the lessons you will learn from them will be invaluable.

Happy Mother’s Day!

ScanAnn Landers