Is Clutter Affecting Your Love Life?

heart clutter2Clutter starts in the home but bleeds into every part of your life especially your love life.

If you are looking for love or just looking to reignite your love life ask yourself these questions?

-Is your home a place you would ask someone you are dating to come inside?

Walking through the door of you home is not only what you see everyday but what others will see. First impressions are important. If you have stacks of bills, old newspapers piled up and dust an inch thick that is not only going to affect how you live but it will affect who you attract.

-Are there clothes piled up on the floor? Unmade bed?

The bedroom in my opinion is one of the most important rooms in a house. It’s where you come home to at the end of the day for peace and relaxation.

If you want love and romance start with the bedroom. Remove anything that does not belong in a bedroom. (ex: kids toys, stacks of unpaid bills, old magazines)

Make the bed! Simple but seldom done.

CLEAR THE CLUTTER. Nothing puts the breaks on romance more than clutter. There is a reason couples love to go to hotels for romance. There is no clutter or distractions. Make your room look and feel like you are on vacation.

-Is your closet full of “what if” clothes?

Those are the clothes that you hope one day you will fit into again so you keep but never wear. These clothes not only take up space but are killing your self esteem which affects your love life.

-Is your kitchen sink full of unwashed dishes? Kitchen counters barely visible? Dining table has not been used in months because it is stacked full of items you intend to get to but haven’t yet? 

Kitchens are the first thing you see in the morning and when you walk through the door.

Clear the counter tops. Counters are for preparing food not unpaid bills and unopened mail.

Make it a goal to start eating your meals at the dining table. Eating meals together opens up communication which is always good for any relationship.

If you answered yes to any of these four questions and you truly want to find love or just put that spark back in your relationship start by clearing the clutter in your home.



Organized Thoughts…Yolanda Foster

“I was born organized!” crows Beverly Hills Real Housewife Yolanda Foster to US magazine. “I was born organized. There’s just something in my brain … I have a huge need to be organized,” she continues. “For me, when there’s no clutter, it gives me energy to create new things.”

When I ran across this older article on from February 2013 I had to blog about it. You are probably wondering why but if anyone follows the RH of Beverly Hills (which I admit is my guilty pleasure) knows that in the past couple of years Yolanda Foster was diagnosed with Lyme disease.

I think being organized helps immensely when you have to be your own healthcare advocate or someone else’s. Scheduling doctors appointments, dealing with insurance companies, organizing multiple medications, and staying on top of the latest treatments all take good organizational skills.

It takes determination and the ability to not accept “no” as an answer.

I follow her on Instagram and I feel if anyone can beat this disease it is her.

She refuses to give up and I admire her spirit.

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The Empty Nest…A Year Later

empty nest
It has been one year since I experienced the “empty nest”. I wanted to write this blog from a different perspective now that the wound is not so fresh. I say wound because a year ago that is how I felt.

The first few weeks you feel lost. No more reasons to get up early, no more late nights helping with homework, no dinners to make.

Your probably thinking, “so what’s the problem”? The life you once knew is gone. Time is the only thing that heals this wound.

You walk by their “clean” room with their favorite stuffed animal sitting on the bed and you start to cry hoping the universe made a big mistake.

Part of you wishes they would change their mind and come home. As the weeks pass you know that isn’t going to happen and reality starts to set in.

Finally, you realize it was your job to make them independent, self sufficient young adults and it was job well done!

They are spreading their wings and a new chapter begins in both of our lives.

**Men are affected just as much as women when the family dynamics change but they try not to show it.

Rob Lowe writes about the emotional toll the empty nest had on him in his memoir Love Life.

“I have been emotionally blindsided. I know that this is a rite many have been through, that this is nothing unique. I know that this is all good news; my son will go to a great school, something we as a family have worked hard at for many years,” Lowe said. “I know that this is his finest hour. But looking at his suitcases on his bed, his New England Patriots post­ers on the wall, and his dog watching him pack, sends me out of the room to a hidden corner where I can’t stop crying.”

If you didn’t already love Rob Lowe this seals the deal!!

Read the rest of this article at

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