Simple Solutions To Organize Any Holiday

Red White & Blue 3Every year you pull out boxes and bins of mismatched holiday items. Halloween is thrown in with Thanksgiving and you spend a great amount of time and frustration sorting through each box looking for exactly what you need.

DSCN1646Now that another holiday has passed start keeping your holiday decorations organized with these three easy steps.

-Use clear containers. If you cannot see what you have you will buy more of the same item. Out of sight really does mean out of mind.

-Label, Label, Label. This one step is essential when it comes to saving time. Think about much time you spend looking for things? Especially during the holidays.

-Do not put off packing away items after a holiday. If you procrastinate piles will  form and what you originally set out to do never happens. 

DSCN1647These simple steps are inexpensive and will keep all your holiday decorations neat, organized and ready for the following year.

Get Rid Of The Guilt Attached To Clutter

CLUTTER AND GUILTI am asked all the time how to get rid of the guilt attached to clutter.

I wish I had the magic answer but it is about retraining your thoughts and the way you feel about the things you own.

If you keep telling yourself the same story… I don’t like how much space these things are taking up in my home but I inherited them from family so I can’t get rid of them then that is how you will continue to think and feel about the clutter in your home.

On the other hand if you say to yourself I’m done living this way. I am going to donate these things to someone who will use and appreciate them and make use of this space for myself then and only then will you start living life for you, not someone else.

Don’t let your clutter hold you hostage. Free yourself from the guilt that you have to the things you no longer want, need or love.

You will never regret clearing the clutter but you will regret living with it.

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This Week’s Find…TCS Closets

It’s not just a custom closet. It’s an escape to the way things should be.
It’s the promise of an organized life.

The Container Store has recently announced they will be providing the ultimate custom closet experience with the addition of their TCS Closets. The Container Store is already my idea of heaven but now you really can have it all in one place.

You can get all of your questions answered here on the type of product they use, how to get started, lighting, door and drawer styles and much more.

The accessory options are endless.

Now for the downside…currently they only install a TCS Closet if you are within 25 miles of a store that offers the TCS Closet. Kind of makes you want to move.

By the way TCS Closets you had me at it’s the promise of an organized life!

Happy Friday!

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