Ten Tips To Organize Your Teens Room

Our teens live in a world over loaded with social media, homework and after school activities.  There is very little time for relaxation so it is important to simplify their living space.

When parents hire me to help their teens get organized I not only clear the clutter but simplify the space as well. The less they have in their room the easier it is to keep organized.

Kids no matter the age do not function well when they are living in a room full of clutter. Motivation is key when it comes to teenagers getting rid of “their stuff”.

1. Communication is the best way to start any project with your teen. They have their own opinions on how they want their room to look and what they want to keep and toss. Listen!

2. Take a before photo before you begin. When they are done they will be amazed what it looked like before.

3. Hire a professional or favorite family member or friend to help them reach their goal. Most of the time they will get more accomplished if you are not there. sorry but true

4. Do not have unrealistic expectations. Three hour increments are probably all you will get. Take advantage of those three hours by getting rid of everything they no longer want, use or love.

5. Start at one end of the room and work your way around. Just cleaning out a closet will not make a dent if their room is full of clutter.

6. Gather all memorabilia throughout the room. That includes second grade trophies, yearbooks etc. and place in a clear container with a lid. Store the container under their bed so they have easy access and can add to it.

7. Clean the Space. Now that the clutter is gone so should the dust bunnies! 

8. Clear the wall clutter. People often think that clutter is just in closets. Simplify what hangs on the walls. Too much is visual clutter.

9. Fix what needs fixed or get rid of it. 

10. Make a list. Keep an ongoing list of what you need to purchase. You will be happy you did when you are standing in Target and you can’t remember the size of something.

Simplifying your teens living space and clearing the clutter will minimize daily stress and give them a place to unwind.

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Tips To Get Organized Before The Holidays

Most people think January is the perfect time of year to get organized but any time is a good time to begin clearing the clutter. Make it a priority to get your house in order before your holiday guests arrive with these simple tips.
1. Clean out the coat closet: Sort through your coats and jackets and consign or donate the ones that no longer fit or you never wear. Add hooks on the doors and change your hangers.

2. Sort through your winter clothes: Cooler weather is finally here (except Florida). If you put on a favorite sweater from last year and you don’t like it on you this year donate or consign the it. Keep only what you love and feel good in especially during the holidays.

3. Clean out the refrigerator: Now is the time to do a thorough cleaning to make room for all your holiday essentials. This list from Real Simple is a complete guide of what to keep and what to toss. Take advantage of your garbage days before the holidays. Even one extra bag at the curb can make a big difference.
4. Serving platters and dishes: Go through all your dishes and serving platters and donate the ones that are chipped, broken and you no longer use. Keep what you love and are looking forward to using this holiday season.

5. Linen Closet: Are you having guests stay at your home during the holidays? Go through your bed linens and towels and ask yourself if it’s time to donate the ones that have seen better days?

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Don’t let the holidays sneak up on you this year. Get organized and be prepared.

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Is Clutter Affecting Your Love Life?

heart clutter2Clutter starts in the home but bleeds into every part of your life especially your love life.

If you are looking for love or just looking to reignite your love life ask yourself these questions?

-Is your home a place you would ask someone you are dating to come inside?

Walking through the door of you home is not only what you see everyday but what others will see. First impressions are important. If you have stacks of bills, old newspapers piled up and dust an inch thick that is not only going to affect how you live but it will affect who you attract.

-Are there clothes piled up on the floor? Unmade bed?

The bedroom in my opinion is one of the most important rooms in a house. It’s where you come home to at the end of the day for peace and relaxation.

If you want love and romance start with the bedroom. Remove anything that does not belong in a bedroom. (ex: kids toys, stacks of unpaid bills, old magazines)

Make the bed! Simple but seldom done.

CLEAR THE CLUTTER. Nothing puts the breaks on romance more than clutter. There is a reason couples love to go to hotels for romance. There is no clutter or distractions. Make your room look and feel like you are on vacation.

-Is your closet full of “what if” clothes?

Those are the clothes that you hope one day you will fit into again so you keep but never wear. These clothes not only take up space but are killing your self esteem which affects your love life.

-Is your kitchen sink full of unwashed dishes? Kitchen counters barely visible? Dining table has not been used in months because it is stacked full of items you intend to get to but haven’t yet? 

Kitchens are the first thing you see in the morning and when you walk through the door.

Clear the counter tops. Counters are for preparing food not unpaid bills and unopened mail.

Make it a goal to start eating your meals at the dining table. Eating meals together opens up communication which is always good for any relationship.

If you answered yes to any of these four questions and you truly want to find love or just put that spark back in your relationship start by clearing the clutter in your home.