Do You Think Less Is More?

I had the pleasure last Saturday afternoon to go hear Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus also know as “The Minimalists” talk about their new book Everything That Remains. They spoke at an independently owned old bookstore downtown. I am all for supporting local independant businesses so I overlooked the overstuffed shelves of paperbacks and hardcovers that were stacked all the way to the ceiling. I actually felt overwhelmed standing against all of these old books waiting to hear two guys speak on a Minimalist lifestyle.

There was a small area within the bookshelves that had a table and as I approached everyone was sitting on the floor or leaning against the bookshelves. I chose to stand and every time I moved I either knocked over a book or stepped on someones’s fingers but the atmosphere became secondary when the these two guys came off the elevator and greeted the crowd.  There was a certain charisma about them and then when they spoke it was if you were sitting in your living room with a couple of friends. Joshua read excerpts from the book and Ryan told his story of how he discovered the minimalist lifestyle. I loved hearing their honesty and when they talk about a meaningful life without all the stuff they really believe it and that is how they have become so successful.

We all think the dream means acquiring more things but when it comes down to it is it the things or the people in your life that you will miss the most?



Organize This: The Refrigerator

Get into the habit of cleaning out your refrigerator on a weekly basis. The best time to do this is the day before your garbage day. This small change will prevent a cluttered refrigerator and keep you from over-buying items you already have but cannot see. This is also a good time to add to your grocery list.

clean fridge





Containers that are clear allow you to easily see the items that are being stored. Stackable containers are great space savers especially in small refrigerators. One good rule of thumb when deciding what to discard is “if in double throw it out.”

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Organize This: Blow Dryer

72b263a36823bf06eef934e69fb9bbf6The blow dryer. I have a love-hate relationship with it. I love it when someone else is using it on my hair and I hate it when I have to use it on my own hair. (See my photo for long, thick hair.) We all own one, and we all use it everyday even if it’s to blow dry the bangs you just cut that you now regret.

organizeeverythingdoordyersHow do you store it? There are many different ways to store a blow dryer depending on space. I prefer to put it in a drawer or cabinet so that it is out of sight but accessible for everyday use. Adding a hidden plug in a cabinet or drawer is ideal if you are renovating or building. There are countertop options that you can place in a cabinet, on a counter, on a wall or hang it from a towel bar. A hair dryer holster is another option. Easy to install and allows you to simply slip the nozzle into the ring and avoid the tangled cords.

728a1aeac3ef460ead617733d5f3a006Blow dryers take up valuable space and even the neatest counters look cluttered if a blow dryer is not put away. Choose an option that works for you and your space. Everything should have a place and that includes your blow dryer.

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