Box or no box that is the question?

The one question I am always asked when organizing a closet is “should I put my shoes in boxes”? There are many factors that go into deciding if you should use shoe boxes. What is your lifestyle?  Some of my clients are stay at home moms and they like to be able to grab shoes and go. Do you have the space in your closet? Boxes can take up more space than putting them on a shelf. If you are tight on space I would not use boxes and I would place shoes in the opposite direction(see below). Boxes are great for out of season shoes, shoes you wear for special occasions or you can put your flip flops in a box and pull the box out when you need them.

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Whatever you decide just remember if one pair goes in, one pair should go out!

Welcome to my blog!

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Welcome to my first blog post. I thought I would share with you the top 10 things that would help you get to know a few things about me.

1. I am a wife and a Mom to two amazing daughters. For some reason when they were babies I did not realize they would grow up to be teenagers. Life is never dull!

2. As a professional organizer, I absolutely have found my calling in life. I love the feeling I get when I leave a clients home and I know that I have really made a difference in someones life.

3. I live at the beach in North Florida so everyday feels like a vacation.

4. I grew up in Miami Florida. You can take the girl out of Miami but you cannot take Miami out of the girl.

5. My pre teen crush was Donny Osmond (see above photo).

6. I am a hair fanatic! Nothing makes me happier than a great blow out.

7. I am a beauty junkie.  There is nothing I have not tried or I am willing to try.  You will see many postings on my beauty addiction.

8. I am an alumni of  TCU in Ft. Worth Texas and so if you hear me mention horned frogs no need for alarm that was our mascot!

9. I have a miniature Australian Shepherd name Chili that I adore.  I am sure you will be seeing many pictures of her.

10. I just turned 50 in August and to be honest  I was kicking and screaming up to the very day but now I feel totally content and so glad to be exactly where I am in my life.

Thanks for joining me on my latest journey!


Welcome to the Neatly Designed blog, where I share my favorite organization tips, and must-have organizing products.


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