Organizing Find Of The Week

This week’s organizing find is a cabinet organizer from Crate and Barrel. You can use it in a kitchen, bath or any other area in your home that needs a quick fix.


New Valet Service To Get Rid Of Clutter

sentimental clutter2So many of my clients have items they want to sell but they either do not have the time or they are technology challenged. Now there is a new valet service that ebay is offering that will sell your items for you.

According to their website this is how it works:

  • Choose how you give us your items: ship them to us in a free postage paid box, let a valet pick them up from you at your home or office, or drop them off at a local retail location.
  • A trusted team of selling professionals handles everything – taking photos, describing your items on eBay, answering any questions and shipping to buyers.
  • You’ll get paid 70% of the sale proceeds in your PayPal account. And if you don’t have a PayPal account, don’t worry. You can open a PayPal account later.

I have ordered a few of my own boxes from ebay to give it a test run. I will get back to you in a future blog about my experience. If you have some items around your house that you no longer need or want this service is so simple it is worth giving it a try!



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Organizing Find Of The Week

If you are looking for the perfect file system look no further. The acrylic file box is a portable way to bring your files from room to room with ease and convenience. They look great sitting on a desk or on a shelf.  You can change the look by changing the color of the file folders. This is a filing system, at your fingertips, that doesn’t have to be hidden.

Russell and Hazel 

russell-hazel-acrylic-white file box


DesktopFileAcryliccontainerstoreThe Container Store
