Favorites to Organize the Kitchen and Bath

Today I want to share some of the products I use to organize the kitchen, pantry, and bath.  My go-to items are usually clear containers and various types of lazy susans. They allow you to see what you own which prevents overbuying and saves money! Before you start any project purge items you no longer need, use, love or have room to store. Sort like items and measure the space before you purchase anything! Containers can quickly become clutter so its important to find products that fit the space properly. 

Lidded Storage Container
These containers are a favorite because they can be used to store so many different items and they stack to make use of valuable vertical space in the bathroom, laundry room, kitchen, and playroom. Useful for first aid, crayons, markers, kids toys, school supplies or any other small items you want to keep organized.

Drawer Inserts
In my opinion, every drawer would benefit from an insert. They keep drawers organized and ensure everything has a home. When you take something out you will have a place to put it back. Small things can make a big difference when it comes to staying organized. 

Deep Storage Bins
Shelves come in many different depths and that is why I love these deep storage bins. They fit perfectly on deeper shelves and keep pantries and refrigerators neat and organized. The handles provide easy access and are clear so you can easily see what is being stored.

Divided Lazy Susans
This is a favorite because it is has dividers and higher sides which are great for keeping cleaning supplies, lotions, and hair care products organized under the sink. They also work well in pantries and refrigerators to keep food items organized. The ideas are endless and once you have used one you will wonder how you lived without it.

Spice Rack
How can something so simple and inexpensive work so well to keep you organized? Keeping spices all in one place not only makes preparing meals easier but will save time looking for that one spice you knew you bought but couldn’t find.

Lazy Susan Turntable
As you can see there are many options when it comes to choosing a lazy susan and this is another one of my favorites. Turn hard to reach corners in cabinets into usable space with a simple turntable. Keep baking essentials, canned goods, oils, vitamins or anything that you need easy access to on a regular basis.

 Medicine Cabinet Organizer
Medicine cabinets can become cluttered quickly and adding an organizer helps keep your daily essentials organized. This is a favorite because of the added drawer which is perfect for qtips and cotton pads.

These are just a few of my favorites that are not only functional but look great too! Remember you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get organized. If you want to see more of my favorites and get ideas on getting organized go to my Amazon Storefront.


Clear the Clutter With Christine…What Products Can I Use To Store My Winter Clothes?

Linen Containers | Hanging Storage Bags | Under Bed Box | Sweater Box | Tall Boot Shapers | Short Boot Shapers | Under Bed Shoe Storage | Tall Shoe Box 

Its that time of year when your closet can use a refresh to get ready for the upcoming warmer weather. This weeks question how do I store my winter clothes? This is a great question because storing your winter clothes properly not only protects them from dust but keeps them in good shape and ready to wear in the fall. These are a few of my tips and favorites things that I personally use and recommend.

Spring is a great time to purge the winter items you didn’t wear, don’t fit properly, are no longer your style and are not in great shape.

If you live in a small space you will gain storage by utilizing the space under the bed. You can store winter items you are not using and make room in your closet for spring and summer.

Containers are the easiest and least expensive way to store out of season items. I love linen and these are not only functional but look great too! These clear containers are favorites because they are available in many different sizes so you can store sweaters, shoes, boots, and accessories. Using inserts in your boots before you contain them will help them retain their shape. Don’t forget to label your containers so you will know what is inside.

One way to store winter coats and jackets is to use hanging storage bags. These are made from natural, breathable cotton fabric and are great for storing multiple items.

If you want more tips and ideas on spring cleaning your closet you can watch my recent segment on River City Live by clicking the link below or go to the video page at the top.



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Organizing The Kitchen With Cape House

One of the most rewarding parts of my job is speaking to groups about purging and organizing areas in their homes. Last nights event at Cape House was not only an amazing turnout but a beautiful shop to share tips on how to organize your kitchen. I brought a few of my favorite things to show the guests how to simplify and organize the Kitchen. Are you ready for a kitchen refresh?

Remove everything from all drawers and cabinets. Yes, EVERYTHING!
Get rid of expired food and food items you bought and never used that are taking up space. Donate usable food to a local food bank.
Let go of broken, chipped and mismatched dishes and glasses.
Remove items that don’t belong in a kitchen.
Purge multiple utensils and keep only what you need. Who really needs 5 ice cream scoops?
Small appliances that are broken and cannot be repaired or have never been used.
Tupperware that won’t close properly, has a missing lid or has just seen better days.
Pots and pans that are not in good shape and the extra lids that don’t fit on anything.

The first thing you see every morning when you wake up to get your cup of coffee and breakfast is the kitchen countertops. If your countertops are covered with unpaid bills, dirty dishes, wallets, keys, purses I think you know where I’m going with this it is a stressful way to begin your day. Kitchen counters are for preparing food all items should have their own area in the home. If you have items that you use on a daily basis a simple tray will keep them neat and organized and looks good too!

Now that you have purged look at the space with a fresh set of eyes. What changes can be made to utilize every bit of space? Do you have shelves where the vertical space can be used better? Do you want to add pull out drawers? Now is the time to make these changes.

After you have decided what to keep it is time to sort like items including food items. Keeping like items together saves money because you are not repurchasing what you already own. Stay away from buying in bulk unless you have the room to store the items. An example of like categories in a kitchen is pasta, snacks, baking, paper products, breakfast items and all of the items you need for your morning shake.

Before you buy containers to organize measure the space. I have seen containers become clutter when they do not work and are not returned.  Measuring allows you to buy exactly what you need and fit the space perfectly.

There are so many choices on containers so my advice is to keep it simple. My preference is clear or white containers that can be easily labeled. Baskets also look great in pantries.

The refrigerator is often forgotten when decluttering and organizing the kitchen. A good clean out should happen once a week and I prefer to do it the day before garbage day. This is one of my favorites because you can see items that normally get lost on side shelves. These keep like items together and allow easy access.

We all have a so-called junk drawer in the kitchen. The problem is when the junk gets overwhelming, the drawer can’t open and it becomes a useless waste of space. Keep only essentials in the drawer and purge it often to keep it that way. What are some essentials? Tape, scissors, extra set of car keys, notepad, pens, tape measure and anything else you deem necessary.

Underneath the sink is still part of the kitchen and it can become cluttered quickly. This is a favorite because it comes in different sizes and utilizes the vertical space under the sink. Caddies are also helpful to keep cleaning supplies organized.

If you want to make your mornings run smoothly keep your coffee essentials located in one area of the kitchen. Purge your coffee mugs and keep only what you use and have room to store.

Keeping a list of the items you need saves time and money. I have mentioned this App in previous posts but it really is my favorite for making and keeping lists.

The kitchen is the hub of the home and keeping it clutter-free and organized makes cooking, entertaining and everyday living easier.

Images | Cape House