These 2 Tips Keep You Organized and Save Money


How often do you say “I was looking for that?” Do you buy something you already own because you couldn’t find it, only to find it later when you were looking for something else? If you answered yes to these questions you are not alone. Implementing these two tips in your daily routine will get you organized, keep you organized and save you money!



1. Purge on a regular basis

I always tell clients in order to do a thorough job when organizing any area in your home you have to remove everything out of the space and purge. If you don’t let go of some items you will not be happy with the end result and it will keep you from gaining new space for the items that you need, use, and love. Start by letting go of multiples of the same item. How many spatulas, nail clippers, ice cream scoops do you really need? Purge items that are broken expired, you don’t use or have room to store.



2. Keep like items together

Now that you have purged corral like items and organize the space. For example in a pantry keep baking items together, snacks, breakfast foods, paper products, and canned goods. Store light bulbs, batteries, first aid in their own containers so you will be able to find what you need when you need it. Implement this one tip and you will be amazed how much you own of the same item.

Most people try to overlook clutter but when it multiples they begin to feel stressed and overwhelmed. The key to getting organized is to remember, “it’s never about having enough space, it’s about simplifying your surroundings. Purging and keeping like things together will save you time, money, frustration, and simplify your space.



Simple Tips To Set Up A Home Office

I have always worked from home so the office is one of my favorite spaces to organize. Now with the current health situation, more people are having to work from home so I wanted to share simple tips to get your space set up, organized and help you be more productive at home.

I usually start by establishing a workspace that is calm and stress-free but I know that may be impossible with kids home from school or if you live in a small space. You don’t need a dedicated room for an office it’s more important to designate an area and for many of you, this is a temporary situation so you might be using the kitchen table. Definitely not ideal but my goal is to help you establish a routine and get organized. I recommend when setting up an office to purge what you don’t need and what does not belong in an office, sort like items, keep the space simple and set up a system that works for you. What works for one person may not work for another so find out how you work best and implement it. Here are a few simple tips I recommend when setting up and organizing a home office.

I know this sounds obvious but you have no idea how many homes I go into and they do not own a shredder and the paper clutter is out of control. Open the mail and shred immediately all those credit card applications and anything else that you don’t need. Keep countertops free of paper clutter by spending a few minutes each day shredding or recycling paper that is no longer needed.

Drawer Organizers
If you want to keep an office drawer neat and organized invest in a drawer organizer. It will save you frustration, aggravation and time when searching for items. There are many different types but this is one of my favorites because it keeps all the essentials in one organizer.

Office Drawer Essentials
Stapler, pens, pencils, scissors, paperclips, post-it notes and tape are some of the everyday essentials to keep in an office drawer. Corral all office supplies in one area so you know what you own it will save time and money. No more searching for the paperclips or scissors and repurchasing what you already own.

Desk Top Collator
I love having a collator on my desk to keep everyday files at my fingertips. Label folders and keep papers you need to sign, bills to pay, orders placed, etc. It is definitely an everyday essential I use in my office.

Note Pad
I love notebooks and notepads for jotting down notes and making lists. Although we all have phones to keep notes sometimes it is just easier to write it down.

File System
Whether it’s a desktop file, scanning papers and sorting into computer files or investing in a file cabinet choose what works best in your space. This file cabinet is on wheels so you can move it from room to room or store it in a closet when you are not using it.

Label Maker
There are many different options and price points when it comes to choosing a label maker. You can use it to label files, boxes or containers the ideas are endless. Once you own a label maker you will wonder how you lived without it!

Boxes and Containers
Use the vertical space on shelves for stacking labeled boxes or containers. Keep seldom-used items or backstock in containers for easy access. 

This is going to be the new normal for a while so it is important to establish a new routine that will minimize paper clutter, save time and simplify your life. Keep checking back to get tips to get purge and organize your home!











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How to Refresh Your Closet in the New Year

We are almost a month into the new year and as an organizer, I feel it is never too late to get organized and give yourself a fresh start. There is no better place to begin that transition than purging and organizing your closet. Your closet should be a reflection of who you are today no matter the size of your closet.

Remove Everything Out of the Closet
The best way to clean and organize any space in your home is to start with a clean slate. Removing everything will get you the end result you are looking to achieve. 

Keep, Toss, Donate, Consign
This is the time to finally let go of the “what if” clothes. Those items keep you living in the past and my job is to help clients choose the clothes that fit the lifestyle they are living today. You should only keep clothes that you love, make you feel good when you wear them, fit you well and are in style.

Clean the Closet and Make Necessary Changes
This is a step that can be overlooked but it is necessary. Vacuum the dust bunnies and figure out what is not working for you and fix it. A fresh coat of paint can make a closet look brand new. Small changes can make a big difference in a closet.

Change Your Hangers
Changing your hangers is so simple, inexpensive and will give you a clean uniform look with immediate results.

Keep Like Items Together
Color coding your clothes allows you to quickly see what you own which prevents overbuying and saves you money.

Use the Vertical Space on a Shelf
Use the vertical space on a shelf for stacking containers. I love these for shoes, sweaters or accessories. Don’t forget to label!

Utilize the Space Under Short Hanging
Are you lacking drawer space? This is a favorite to use under short hanging or if you have extra space in your closet. It not only adds drawers but it is easy to take it with you if you move.

Make a List of What You Need
Take inventory of what you need as you get rid of items. Do you need another pair of white jeans? New undergarments? Keeping a list will help you buy only what you need.

Keep the Current Season in Your Closet
Your closet is prime real estate so it is important to keep what you will be wearing this season in your closet. Store out of season or seldom-used items in labeled containers with lids under a bed or in a spare closet.

Don’t Forget Shoes
Shoes also need to be purged when cleaning out a closet. Take them all out and let go of the ones that hurt your feet, you never wear, are no longer in style or are in bad shape. If they need repair, repair them or let them go. Don’t let the fact that you paid a lot of money guilt you into keeping shoes. Consign them and use the money to buy something you will wear.

Keep a Shopping Bag in Your Closet for Items You No Longer Want
When you put something on and you don’t like how it fits or the way you feel in it do not hang it back up. Drop it in the bag for donation or consignment.

Enlist the Help of a Professional
If you feel stuck it never hurts to have a second set of eyes when you are cleaning out a closet. A professional organizer can help you make the tough decisions you have difficulty making.

Tackling your closet can renew your self-esteem by keeping only the things you love, wear and make you feel good about yourself. You will save time by not searching for an item and feel less frustrated and have a sense of calm every time you open your closet door. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to make these simple changes. Invest the time to reap the reward for the closet you deserve.

Photos by Julie Ryan Photography