Clearing The Clutter Series…Part 3

We have cleared the clutter and now in Part 3 we are preparing the space. These couple of steps seem simple but they are often overlooked.

Laura from Simple Solutions Diva was surprised how much dirt had accumulated through the years.

Clean The Space before you put anything back. If the area you are working on needs a fresh coat of paint or shelves repaired now is the time to do it. Vacuum all of the “dust bunnies”.

-Measure The Space before you buy ANYTHING! Containers can become clutter so make sure you purge then organize. You will be surprised how few containers you need once you clear the clutter.

Stay tuned for the big reveal of Laura’s new organized space.

Prepare For The Worst In Case It Happens


As an organizer part of my job is helping people whose family members are sick or a spouse or family member who has passed away.

Death and dying are suppose to be a natural progression but it never makes it easier when someone you love is gone.

This blog post is on the one topic no one likes to talk about preparing for the worst before it happens.

Whether I am organizing a client’s office or speaking to organizations I always stress the importance of having your documents filed, labeled and easily assessable. If you have to search for an important paper during a stressful situation it can make a bad time even worse.

You may know where things are but in case of an emergency can someone else find them?

These files should be organized and labeled clearly whether it is on your computer or in a file cabinet.

  • Life Insurance Policy
  • Health Insurance Information
  • Power Of Attorney
  • Living Will
  • Passwords To All of Your Accounts (Including Social Media)
  • Real Estate Documents (mortgage and properties you own)
  • Automobile Titles and Insurance
  • Credit Card Companies
  • Social Security Number
  • Financial Documents (Banking and Investments)
  • Divorce and Marriage License

Take the time this weekend to organize these important papers. You never know when you will need them but it will be reassuring to you and those around you to know they can be easily found.

For more information:

Wall Street Journal

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Clearing The Clutter Video Series…Part 2

Part 2 of this continuing series is the most challenging but rewarding part of Clearing The Clutter.

As you will see in this video Laura Morey from Simple Solutions Diva was ready and excited to start the process but she quickly became anxious and a story was told with each item pleading her case on why it should stay instead of go.

This was something I expected and was prepared for but she was shocked not only by the amount of stuff she she didn’t need or use but the anxiety that set in immediately as we started to go through her things.

There are so many feelings that surface when you start to clear the clutter. Embarrassment, anxiety, guilt, frustration, and exhaustion. You have to motivate yourself to keep going so you can see the end result.

No matter how ready people tell me they are to free themselves of clutter most do not realize how emotional it can be.

In the video I mention how important it is to have an organized friend or a professional help you through this process.

It not only helps to move you along faster but at one point there has to be a voice of reason or you end up keeping everything and you are right back where you started.

Enjoy this weeks video and stay tuned for Part 3.