Get Rid Of The Guilt Attached To Clutter

CLUTTER AND GUILTI am asked all the time how to get rid of the guilt attached to clutter.

I wish I had the magic answer but it is about retraining your thoughts and the way you feel about the things you own.

If you keep telling yourself the same story… I don’t like how much space these things are taking up in my home but I inherited them from family so I can’t get rid of them then that is how you will continue to think and feel about the clutter in your home.

On the other hand if you say to yourself I’m done living this way. I am going to donate these things to someone who will use and appreciate them and make use of this space for myself then and only then will you start living life for you, not someone else.

Don’t let your clutter hold you hostage. Free yourself from the guilt that you have to the things you no longer want, need or love.

You will never regret clearing the clutter but you will regret living with it.

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Five Steps To Stop To An Over Scheduled Life

Are you constantly having to cancel plans because you overbooked your calendar? Do you show up late to meetings, luncheons or school functions? Are you always making excuses and repeatedly saying how busy you are?

Poor time management is an indication that you are overwhelmed and you do not have the ability to just say no.

You want to please everyone but you end up pleasing no one.

Saying yes to everything and everyone only works temporarily. Eventually you feel worn out and it takes a toll on business and personal relationships.

The solution to this problem is easy but difficult…learn to say NO. It will take practice and willpower.

People pleasers don’t develop this new way of thinking overnight.

People pleasing is a habit that was formed along time ago and in order to change it you have to think to yourself what is your life like right now by saying yes to everyone and everything?

Hectic? Unorganized? Unfulfilled? Dread? Overwhelmed? Drained?

By learning to say no you will start to live YOUR life not the life that others want you to live.

Practice this for just one week.

Set Boundaries with people who are toxic or remove them altogether.

Only schedule your calendar with what is important to you.

Make time for yourself.

Enlist the help of others.

Set realistic time for appointments and meetings.

Schedule time with the people that matter the most in your life, don’t make them fight for a spot.

This will be life changing not just for you but the people around you.

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Do You Have Guilty Clutter?

guilt clutterOne reason I often hear as to why people keep things they don’t need or want is out of guilt.

These are some examples that may sound familiar.

You bought a new top and every time you put it on you don’t like how it makes you look or feel when you wear it.
Instead of donating or consigning the item you feel guilty because you paid a lot for the top and so you keep it in your closet.

You bought an inexpensive shelf for your garage but it didn’t fit right and you never took it back.
Instead of giving it to someone, selling or donating it you keep it because you feel guilty. You tell yourself you should have measured and your minor mistake becomes clutter.

A relative or friend gave you a gift that you don’t like and will never use.
You throw it in a drawer or closet because the thought of getting rid of it makes you feel guilty, and it becomes clutter.

Those are just a few examples of how guilt plays a major role in dealing with clutter. Holding onto something out of guilt only leads to more clutter and it becomes a vicious cycle.

How do you resolve this problem? Keep only what you love, need and will use.

If you get rid of the guilt that you are attaching to these items you will get rid of the clutter in home and in your life.