Organize Your Dorm with Neatly Designed and Amazon Prime

1. Mini Fridge  2. Power Strip  3. Drawer Organizer  4. Jewelry Organizer  5. Over-The-Door Shoe Organizer  6. Steamer  7. 3 Drawer Organizer  8. Printer  9. Light Up Vanity Mirror  10. Hangers 11. Drawer Storage

Are you getting ready to go to college and need help getting organized? Small spaces can be a challenge, especially in a dorm room. These are some of my favorites on Amazon Prime which means fast delivery.

A Mini-Fridge is first on my list because it’s nice to have a place to keep some of your favorite foods. It also has a hidden handle so it’s easy to carry which you will appreciate when the elevators are crowded and you have to take the stairs. A power strip is essential when sharing a space with limited outlets. This one allows you to charge multiple devices with USB ports and traditional outlets. These drawer inserts are inexpensive and will keep drawers neat and organized which can be a challenge when you live in a dorm. This jewelry organizer looks great, allows easy access and keeps necklaces tangle-free.

I always remind people to use the back of the doors when living in small spaces. This shoe organizer will give you added storage for shoes and more room in your closet. A steamer can be a lifesaver when you need to quickly get the wrinkles out. It stores easily and is lightweight. This is great to store makeup, hair accessories, dental, contacts or any other items you want to keep organized with easy access.

This printer is a favorite not only because it is inexpensive but it looks great sitting on a dorm room desk. A makeup mirror is important when sharing bathroom space with others. This is lighted and has an area to keep all of your makeup essentials. These hangers really do make a difference when it comes to saving space. Small closets will look larger and organized by using matching hangers. Extra drawer space is a premium in small spaces and this is easy to assemble and gives you the added drawers under your short hanging or in a room. It’s also easy to move and use again in your new space.

Dorm living can be an adjustment but if you keep it simple and make it your own with some of your favorite things you will be surprised how quickly you adjust! If you want to see more of my favorites visit my storefront on Amazon.

Five Reasons You Won’t Let Go of Clutter

As an organizer, I try to reassure clients that they are not alone. I can say it with confidence because I often hear the same reasons people can’t get rid of items. Most people have good intentions when it comes to tackling clutter but when emotions get in the way it can be very difficult. Do any of these keep you from clearing the clutter in your own home?

Guilt is the number one reason people hold onto items they no longer need, use or want. The feeling of guilt is often misguided when it comes to clutter. Your home should be a place to come home to at the end of the day that is peaceful and free of clutter. If guilt prevents you from letting go of something think about how that affects you and your environment. Guilt is not a reason to keep something, if you don’t love it, use it or need it, let it go!

Regret and “what if” go hand in hand. What if I need this later? What if I find the missing part? Do you say to yourself I may need that but in reality you never do? Regret in any area of your life is not healthy but especially when it comes to clutter. Once you simplify you will be amazed how little regret you have to worry about in your home.

Paying a lot of money for something is not a reason to keep it. If you own expensive shoes but they hurt your feet every time you wear them consign them and say goodbye. Your home should only have items you need, use and love, even if you paid a lot of money for it!

Gifts Received
Gifts people receive but don’t use, like or want is another big reason for clutter in the home. Holding onto an item because you might hurt someone’s feelings, you fear what someone will think or out of guilt as we discussed earlier can prevent you from living a simple clutter-free life. Just because someone gives you a gift does not mean you need to keep it. If you don’t use it, like it or need it, let it go.

Is your home becoming a storage unit with the hope someone will want something one day? Many people hold onto items with the thought their adult children or grandchildren may want it even if they do not have space to store it. I can tell you from my experience that is a rare occurrence. The latest generation of twenty and thirty-somethings are living different lives with fewer things and smaller homes. It never hurts to ask the question“do you want this” but if the answer is no, then its time to let go.

If any of these five things sound like they are keeping you from living in an organized clutter free space its time to make a change and its one you will never REGRET!


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Favorites to Organize the Kitchen and Bath

Today I want to share some of the products I use to organize the kitchen, pantry, and bath.  My go-to items are usually clear containers and various types of lazy susans. They allow you to see what you own which prevents overbuying and saves money! Before you start any project purge items you no longer need, use, love or have room to store. Sort like items and measure the space before you purchase anything! Containers can quickly become clutter so its important to find products that fit the space properly. 

Lidded Storage Container
These containers are a favorite because they can be used to store so many different items and they stack to make use of valuable vertical space in the bathroom, laundry room, kitchen, and playroom. Useful for first aid, crayons, markers, kids toys, school supplies or any other small items you want to keep organized.

Drawer Inserts
In my opinion, every drawer would benefit from an insert. They keep drawers organized and ensure everything has a home. When you take something out you will have a place to put it back. Small things can make a big difference when it comes to staying organized. 

Deep Storage Bins
Shelves come in many different depths and that is why I love these deep storage bins. They fit perfectly on deeper shelves and keep pantries and refrigerators neat and organized. The handles provide easy access and are clear so you can easily see what is being stored.

Divided Lazy Susans
This is a favorite because it is has dividers and higher sides which are great for keeping cleaning supplies, lotions, and hair care products organized under the sink. They also work well in pantries and refrigerators to keep food items organized. The ideas are endless and once you have used one you will wonder how you lived without it.

Spice Rack
How can something so simple and inexpensive work so well to keep you organized? Keeping spices all in one place not only makes preparing meals easier but will save time looking for that one spice you knew you bought but couldn’t find.

Lazy Susan Turntable
As you can see there are many options when it comes to choosing a lazy susan and this is another one of my favorites. Turn hard to reach corners in cabinets into usable space with a simple turntable. Keep baking essentials, canned goods, oils, vitamins or anything that you need easy access to on a regular basis.

 Medicine Cabinet Organizer
Medicine cabinets can become cluttered quickly and adding an organizer helps keep your daily essentials organized. This is a favorite because of the added drawer which is perfect for qtips and cotton pads.

These are just a few of my favorites that are not only functional but look great too! Remember you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get organized. If you want to see more of my favorites and get ideas on getting organized go to my Amazon Storefront.