Organizing Find Of The Week (1)

I have been trying to decide lately if I want to return to a paper calendar. One reason I haven’t is because I could not find one that fits all my needs. I think the search may be over.

This Week’s Find is the Simplified Planner from Emily Ley. It’s smaller than the original so it can fit in a purse and a new page design that is easy to use and read. The assortment of accessories are an added bonus to an already great design.

Can’t wait to order my new planner and get back to a paper…how I have missed you!

Images via Emily Ley

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Give Mom The Gift Of Organization


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This Mother’s Day give your Mom a gift that she will love…the gift of organization.

Does she need help getting her closet organized? Kitchen overflowing with unused gadgets and overfilled drawers? Does her house just need some overall purging? Is she moving soon and needs help clearing the clutter and packing?

Neatly Designed is available for all of your organizing needs. Contact us if you would like to order a Neatly Designed gift certificate for Mother’s Day.