Simply Said…Aging Tips From The Birthday Girl

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Today I turn 53. What is different about today than any other day? I am a year older and a year wiser.

A few years ago I saw Jane Fonda on The Oprah Show. She said “if just one young person would listen to the advice about aging from an older person they would be one step ahead of the game” and it has stuck with me.

Here are a few of my tips to those of you out there playing the aging game.

-At 50 I thought I was old and now I look back and realize 50 is young and it has only been 3 years!

-Take a deep breathe, it really does work.

-Listen to your body it never lies.

-Everyday is a gift and realizing this is the best present you can give yourself.

-Keep busy especially helping others. It makes you feel like you have a purpose.

-Exercise but don’t kill yourself. If you end up injured you don’t exercise at all!

-Listen to music. It’s calming and brings back memories.

-You will never be 20, 30, 40 or 50 again so stop looking back and stay in the present.

-Everybody has problems and I mean everybody. Some are just better at hiding it.

-Tell the people in your life how important they are to you. You will never regret it.

-Reality TV is not reality!

-Don’t make any important decisions in your life without a good night sleep.

Gotta run and take my husband to the Orthopedic Specialist to deal with his back pain. This is the reality of turning 53!

Quote via

Organized Thoughts…Yolanda Foster

“I was born organized!” crows Beverly Hills Real Housewife Yolanda Foster to US magazine. “I was born organized. There’s just something in my brain … I have a huge need to be organized,” she continues. “For me, when there’s no clutter, it gives me energy to create new things.”

When I ran across this older article on from February 2013 I had to blog about it. You are probably wondering why but if anyone follows the RH of Beverly Hills (which I admit is my guilty pleasure) knows that in the past couple of years Yolanda Foster was diagnosed with Lyme disease.

I think being organized helps immensely when you have to be your own healthcare advocate or someone else’s. Scheduling doctors appointments, dealing with insurance companies, organizing multiple medications, and staying on top of the latest treatments all take good organizational skills.

It takes determination and the ability to not accept “no” as an answer.

I follow her on Instagram and I feel if anyone can beat this disease it is her.

She refuses to give up and I admire her spirit.

Image and quote via

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Clear The Clutter Video Series…Part 4

In Part 4 of our Clear The Clutter Series we show you how to organize the items Laura decided to keep and of course everyones favorite part…The Big Reveal!!

First a reminder of what her cabinet looked like BEFORE.


IMG_2058The containers we used are from The Container Store. Theses were a perfect fit in the cabinet and have wheels so they glide for easy access.

IMG_2057Laura does a lot of crafts for her website Simple Solutions Diva so it was important to keep all of her supplies sorted and categorized so she could find exactly what she needed for her projects.

IMG_2067The next and most important step…LABEL, LABEL, LABEL. If you do not know what you have in your containers it will quickly become a frustrating mess.

IMG_2063This drawer was one of my favorite parts of this project. When we finished getting rid of things she no longer needed we had an entire drawer available.

I suggested we use it for her daughter’s school supplies. We gathered them from a couple of areas around the house and went through what she wanted to keep and then organized them in the drawer.

Now her daughter can pull from the drawer through out the school year. Laura will know when she needs to repurchase an item instead of buying more of what she already has. Being organized saves money!

IMG_2054This is the BEFORE basket of school supplies.  You can see why this was my favorite part of the project!

IMG_2068 (1)_Fotor_CollageClearing the clutter in any area can be difficult if you look at it as throwing your stuff away but if you look at what you will gain from your new uncluttered, organized space, as my clients always tell me it is life changing.

Thank you so much to Laura for allowing me to show you step by step the clearing the clutter process. Most people are too embarrassed to show me let alone do a video series.

She showed in this series exactly what everyone feels throughout this process. The emotions that are attached to things, the stress and anxiety while going through it and the sheer delight when you see the finished product.

Stay tuned for more Clear The Clutter videos with Laura Morey from Simple Solutions Diva.

I hope we inspired and motivated you to clear the clutter in your home.