These 2 Tips Keep You Organized and Save Money


How often do you say “I was looking for that?” Do you buy something you already own because you couldn’t find it, only to find it later when you were looking for something else? If you answered yes to these questions you are not alone. Implementing these two tips in your daily routine will get you organized, keep you organized and save you money!



1. Purge on a regular basis

I always tell clients in order to do a thorough job when organizing any area in your home you have to remove everything out of the space and purge. If you don’t let go of some items you will not be happy with the end result and it will keep you from gaining new space for the items that you need, use, and love. Start by letting go of multiples of the same item. How many spatulas, nail clippers, ice cream scoops do you really need? Purge items that are broken expired, you don’t use or have room to store.



2. Keep like items together

Now that you have purged corral like items and organize the space. For example in a pantry keep baking items together, snacks, breakfast foods, paper products, and canned goods. Store light bulbs, batteries, first aid in their own containers so you will be able to find what you need when you need it. Implement this one tip and you will be amazed how much you own of the same item.

Most people try to overlook clutter but when it multiples they begin to feel stressed and overwhelmed. The key to getting organized is to remember, “it’s never about having enough space, it’s about simplifying your surroundings. Purging and keeping like things together will save you time, money, frustration, and simplify your space.


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