Simplify Your Shelves With These Easy Steps

It’s Get Organized Month and I teamed up with Laura Morey from Simple Solutions Diva to clear the shelf clutter.

Here are some simple tips to get you started.

1. Remove everything off the shelves. Yes EVERYTHING!!!

2. Take all the photos out of the frames and set aside the ones you want to keep displayed.

3. Decide on a color scheme for the frames. They don’t have to be identical frames but stick with one color (ex:gold, silver, brown).

4. Shop your house!!! Grab frames and other items that you love from around your house.

5. Adjust shelving to fit your needs.

6. Donate frames you no longer want to keep.

7. Put photos you want to keep but don’t want to display in labeled containers (future blog post coming soon).



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Remember less is more when it comes to displaying frames and other items on your shelves.

Display only what you love and want to see when you walk in a room.

Simplify in 2016!

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