Gain Storage In Your Bathroom With These Simple Tips

Are you lacking storage in your bathroom? Many people think they don’t have enough storage but the real problem is how much stuff they own and how they are utilizing the space. As an organizer, the one area I see that is often overlooked is under the sink. When organizing under the sink the key is to pare down and find the right products to fit your space. These four tips will help you clear the clutter and give you ideas for storing your products.


When beginning any organizing project purging is a must if you want to see change. Purge items that you don’t use or like even if it cost a lot of money. Holding onto items for that reason can keep you in a constant state of clutter. Don’t beat yourself up over it just let it go. Also, some skincare and makeup products have expiration dates so if an item is expired its time to toss.


Once you have purged sort like items into categories such as haircare, skincare, makeup, first aid, and health. Containers that stack utilizes the vertical space under a sink. These are a favorite because they come in different sizes and are great for stacking. Grouping like items saves time and money.


The under-sink space is different for everybody due to plumbing restrictions. Measuring the precise depth, width, and height on each side of the plumbing will allow for an accurate fit and help you decide which products will work for you. Don’t buy before you measure!


If you are lacking drawer storage this is a favorite. It’s easy to assemble and comes in different sizes to fit your needs. Lazy Susans are also a great option under a sink because they provide easy access to everyday essentials.

The best part of any organizing project is putting back all your favorite products and enjoying your new organized space. If you are looking to get organized in your home start with a small project like this. It doesn’t take a lot of time and once you start to enjoy the benefits it will motivate you to move on to other areas in your home.

Let me know if this helped you add space under your sink. I love hearing feedback!

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