What If One Day It’s Worth Something?

One of the most common comments I get from clients when purging and organizing a home is “what if one day it’s worth something?

My reply is always the same “what day would that be?” If it is valuable to you, keep it, treasure it, or display it. However if it has been taking up space or stored away in a box it is time to sell it or donate it. These are a few simple steps to begin clearing the clutter in your life.

  • Make an appointment for an appraiser to come to your home and look at the items you feel have value. No better person to ask than an expert in the field.
  • There are plenty of resources to check the value of your item. eBay, Craigslist, Replacements LTD for china and crystal and many others.
  • Is the item worth the space and money it is taking to keep it?

Use an antique piece of furniture for storage of various items.

Take all of the matchbooks you have been collecting and display them in a frame.
Put sports memorabilia and vintage pieces on a shelf.

If you are going to keep the things that hold value, sentimental or monetary, display them. These photos show you some simple solutions. It is difficult to seperate yourself from possessions you have had for many years but the memories will always be yours to treasure.

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3 Easy Steps To Stay Organized Throughout The School Year

A new school year is about to begin and one of the easiest ways to keep all your kids art work, report cards, school photos and any other memorabilia organized throughout the year is to create a file box for your child.


Step 1 Choose a file box. There are so many different types available. Look for one that is stackable if you have more than one child and watertight. You don’t want to loose these important memories because of humidity and moisture.

organizedby helen.files.wordpress.com
Step 2 Label file folders.

Step 3 Each time your child brings home something home from school that you want to keep date the back and simply drop it into the labeled file.

At the end of the year you can go through and look at each item and decide what you would like to keep for future memories.

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Dual Purpose//Office In A Closet

If I had to choose the perfect spot to put my office it would definitely be in my closet. I was so excited to see Rach Parcell from Pink Peonies posting photos of her new office/closet on her blog. She has made my dream come true!Pink Peonies

pink peonies gold-bernhardt-desk

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For more photos of Rach’s closet/office got to www.pinkpeonies.com. Enjoy!