Simple Solutions To Organize Your Jewelry On River City Live

Jewelry Storage

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Today’s segment on River City Live with Eden Kendall we discussed how to organize your jewelry.

There are so many different ways to organize jewelry it really depends on how much you own and how much space you have to store it.

The first step to organizing anything is to get rid of the things you don’t love or wear even jewelry.

The next step is to decide how you want to organize your jewelry.

If you have extra drawer space in a dresser or a closet drawer trays are an easy way to keep all types of jewelry organized.

A jewelry box is not only functional but can be pretty sitting on a dresser.

Wondering what to do with your grandmothers antique tray? Use it to store bulkier items that won’t fit in a drawer. In the above link you can see a perfect example of this.

If you don’t have a lot of space use a hanging jewelry organizer in your closet. I also love to find even the smallest amount of wall space to hang hooks for necklaces.

The goal to organizing your jewelry is keeping what you love and finding the solution that works best for you.

Keep checking back to see more segments on clearing the clutter and getting organized on River City Live.

Get Motivated To Live Clutter Free


One part of my job that I absolutely love is speaking to groups small or large. I love to motivate and inspire people to simplify their lives by clearing the clutter.

I had the privilege of speaking to a group of women a couple of weeks ago and was pleasantly surprised to receive this photo and sweet note.

“I was SOOO inspired! I have purchased all new slim hangers, clear storage bins, a garment rack and clear drawer organizers. I have cleaned out every room in the house. I have yet to conquer the garage, but I love how nice it feels to get rid of all the extra STUFF!”

I know what clearing the clutter will do for ones self esteem, self confidence, personal life and work life but when I hear first hand from people how they have reaped the benefits from clearing the clutter it just brings a smile to my face.

If you are looking to inspire and motivate your employees or organization and you want to see and hear the positive results of getting organized and clearing the clutter contact Neatly Designed to book your speaking engagement.

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How Can A Chair Stir So Much Emotion?


My clients will sometimes say to me when we are clearing the clutter “you could not possibly understand the emotional attachment to things because of what you do for a living”.

Whenever I hear that I often think about this chair. It was an original Knoll chair from the late 60’s that use to be covered in purple velvet fabric.

It was the dining room chair of my childhood. There were many Thanksgivings, Christmas dinners and birthday celebrations shared on these chairs.

In the early 70’s, the era of house parties, the purple velvet chairs were always a topic of conversation.

There were originally eight of them that were put in storage sometime in the 80’s, unfortunately all but one was stolen.

The surviving chair went from place to place until it ended up at my house in the late 90’s.

I had it recovered in black, had the metal cleaned and used it as my office chair for a couple of years. When we moved I changed the fabric to orange hoping I could make it work in my new home.

When I realized it was not really the look I was going for in my new house and no one in my family wanted it I put it on eBay and sold it to someone who was thrilled.

I knew it had value because I had done my homework which is important when you own things of value that you want to sell.

The funny thing about the chair, every time I looked at it my mind would immediately go to the past. When emotions are attached to an item it’s so hard to let it go.

I have never regretted selling the chair because my decorating taste has changed and I realized at one point I was trying to make something work out of guilt and the reluctance to give up the past.

How could I sell a family heirloom? What if I regret it? What if it’s worth more 10 years from now? Do these all sound familiar?

You have to live in the present with the things in your home that you absolutely need and love.

If you love your grandmothers dresser keep it but if you look at it everyday and think “how did I get stuck with this” then it is time to let it go and live in the present.