Whose Idea Was This?

IMG_0831I have to start this blog by saying I have purchased many items from Restoration Hardware and the quality and customer service are outstanding but with that said when I recieved not one but two of these stacks of plastic wrapped catalogues my first thought was whose ideas was this? I don’t think there is a person out there that does not own some device with internet access should they want to purchase something from Restoration Hardware.

My second thought was I am going to see these in so many of my client’s homes still wrapped and never read and they will become more clutter.

I then went out of town for the weekend and arrived at my friend’s home and ironically sitting on the counter in her kitchen wrapped in plastic was an unopened stack of Restoration Hardware Catalogues. Even the men found humor in this and a discussion started on alternative uses for this wrapped batch of catalogues.

Some of the creative ideas we came up with were you can use it as a step stool, an exercise weight, a door stop, a pedestal for your dogs bowl, a foot stool, a bed tray and child’s booster seat.

Eventually, whether you open them or not the only place I hope these end up is the recycling bin.



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