10 Simple Tips to Update Your Closet

I see many closets as an organizer and some just need a bit of updating to achieve their closet goals. These are some of my favorite ways to update a closet without breaking the bank. Sometimes all it takes are a few simple changes to make your closet feel new again.

Changing your hangers is an inexpensive way to make an immediate impact. These are my favorite hangers because they take up less space and prevent clothes from slipping and ending up on the floor. If you can only afford to do one thing on this list, change your hangers.

If you have drawers in your closet changing the hardware is simple, inexpensive and can make a closet feel new again. You can also add a valet rod for hanging one or several items.

If you have a walk-in closet adding a throw rug adds warmth to the space and you will be surprised at what a difference it makes.

Adding a small ottoman or bench in a closet allows you to have a place to put on your shoes. It’s a small addition but you will wonder how you lived without it!

acrylic shelf dividers keep sweaters, tops, and other items neat and organized on a shelf.

Many people keep their clutches in cloth bags which makes it difficult to remember what you own. Using an acrylic collator allows you easy access but also adds a bit of glam to any closet.

Use the vertical shelving space in your closet to stack containers for off-season items or other clothing essentials. It’s inexpensive and utilizes valuable space.

Besides mismatched hangers lighting is one of the first things I notice when I go to consult in a client’s closet. Poor lighting really makes a difference in any closet small or large. The proper lighting allows you to brighten the space so you can see what you own.

If you really want to make your closet look brand new a fresh coat of paint will do the trick. Emptying the closet may not seem like fun but the end result will really make you happy.

Are you short on closet space? Utilizing the back of the door with this will give you added shoe storage. If you have even the smallest wall space available this is perfect for hanging necklaces.

I hope this inspires you to clear the closet clutter and enjoy your new space!

Images 1, 3 & 4 Jessie Prezza Photography

Tips To Simplify and Organize Your Makeup

GLAMboard | Acrylic Cosmetic Organizer | Drawer Inserts | Acrylic Makeup Storage Divided Palette Insert | Tall Drawer Organizer | Medicine Cabinet Organizer | Lazy Susan

Purging and organizing makeup is one of the biggest concerns for most women. There are so many new items that hit the market every week and everyone wants the latest skincare or makeup product. I love to follow beauty bloggers because you can learn so much from them when it comes to applying makeup or seeing what they have tried and liked. The downside which I see from an organizers perspective is what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for all, especially when there is an age difference. I have seen more products purchased because of social media and when it arrives it doesn’t look the same on them and it doesn’t get returned which becomes clutter. Ask for samples or buy a travel size first to see if you like it. Always try before you buy!

This is always the first step when organizing any area in the home and makeup and skincare is no different. Guilt plays a big role when purging makeup and skincare. If you spend money on an item and you don’t get the results you were looking for it tends to go back in a drawer. Start by removing everything out of the drawers and cabinets this allows you to start with a clean slate before you put everything back. If you don’t know how long to keep a makeup item this article will give you the information on what you need to toss. One important tip to save money is to keep the receipt in the original box and if you don’t like it return it! This will free you of the guilt you feel when tossing something you paid a lot of money for. Makeup and skincare become clutter quickly when not purged often.

A big part of staying organized especially with makeup is sorting like items. My clients are often surprised how many duplicates they own when we start to sort makeup. Keeping like items together will save money, space and the time you spend searching for items that are thrown in a drawer. Keep only what you use and let the rest go. Simplifying your daily makeup routine will also simplify your makeup.

Invest in a product that works for your space. As you can see from the photos there are many options. Are you short on drawer space but have room under the sink? Do you have the counter space to keep a container on the counter to display your makeup? Whatever option you choose make sure everything you keep has a place.

When people ask me where to begin the organizing process I always suggest starting in an area that is manageable and attainable. Purging and organizing your makeup and skincare is the perfect place to begin because those are items that are used on a daily basis. Make 2019 the year to simplify!

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Simplify Your Kitchen With These 5 Easy Tips


Kitchen drawers can become cluttered quickly if not purged often. When working with clients to clear the clutter in the kitchen the first place I start is to remove everything out of the drawers and cabinets, yes EVERYTHING! It is the easiest way to finally let go of kitchen clutter. Get rid of items you don’t use or need, pair down multiples of utensils, get rid of broken items and if you don’t have a place to store it let it go. Do you use all of those cookbooks? Do you often wish you had a bigger kitchen? It is never about enough space it is about having too many things that are never used. Simplifying is the hardest part of any project but so well worth it!


The next step is to look at the space in the kitchen now that you have purged. You will be surprised how much extra storage you have once you let go of the things you don’t need. I usually rework the entire kitchen so that it runs smooth and efficiently. Are you using the drawer space properly? Sometimes you need a fresh set of eyes to look at the kitchen and talk through want you want to achieve.


This is important not only for the obvious reasons but it prevents mismatched items and unwanted containers that don’t get returned and become more clutter and frustration. Measure first then buy what you need.


I always make lists when working on any project. Keeping a list helps to keep track of what you need and also allows you to check off items as you purchase them.


I always add drawer inserts to prevent clutter and keep drawers neat and organized. It not only allows you to have a space for everything but prevents a mess from reoccurring. If there isn’t a place for an item the drawers become cluttered and unorganized.
Drawer insertsare always an important part of an organized kitchen.


I know you have heard me say this before but its worth repeating keeping like things together prevents clutter and overbuying items you already own. No more searching the house for one thing and only to find something else you had been looking for last week. “I was looking for that” is one thing I hear the most when helping clients purge and organize. Kitchens run more efficiently when like items are kept together.

For more tips on simplifying and organizing your kitchen watch my latest segment on River City Live by clicking videos at the top of the page.