8 Ways Clutter Affects You and Your Family

As an organizer I have seen first hand how a disorganized environment can wreak havoc on a family. Many people minimize how clutter not only affects you but the people around you.

My mission is to motivate and inspire people to clear the clutter and help them enjoy a simpler life.

These are eight ways clutter can affect your life. Do any of these sound familiar?


Has your bedroom become a storage area for items that don’t have a place anywhere else in the home? It is difficult to have a romantic relationship when your bedroom is full of clutter? Remove toys, unused exercise equipment, school projects, pictures that were never hung and piles of paperwork.

In my opinion your bedroom should be a place that you look forward to coming home to at the end of a busy day. A place for peace, solitude and romance. Clutter breeds the exact opposite and the master bedroom should be one of the first areas in your home where serenity begins. Once you have purged and you are enjoying your new space it will encourage you to move on to others areas in your home.


Kids learn by example. Once the environment is free of clutter you will be surprised the positive affects it will have on your family. Children actually enjoy knowing that everything has a place and being organized teaches them skills they will need in their adult life.

Time for Yourself

This is one that people don’t realize until I point it out. When you elevate clutter it gives you time to do the things you enjoy without feeling guilty. Making time for yourself needs to be scheduled like anything else on your calendar to ensure it will be done.


Clutter causes depression! When you clear the clutter and simplify your life you feel motivated and inspired. No one can honestly say they enjoy a cluttered house. Start with one area in your home and you will feel the difference every time you pass by what was once a cluttered room.


When clutter is out of control people feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin. If you have reached  this stage and you are feeling overwhelmed don’t hesitate to enlist the help of a professional organizer. Sometimes all you need is a little help to get the process started.

Feeling Defeated

When you live in a house full of clutter one of the feelings that always surfaces is the feeling of failure. I should be able to do this myself, what is wrong with me? My answer is NOTHING! People start out with the best intentions and then life, work, kids and school take over. Make purging a priority and keep your surroundings simple!

Over Buying

How often do you hear yourself say “I was looking for that”.  How much money do you spend on buying more of what you already own because you couldn’t find something or see it? Simplifying, keeping like things together and having a place for everything will prevent clutter and over buying.

Health Issues

Living in a house with clutter can affect a persons health and most people don’t realize it until the clutter is gone. It can create dust, mites, bugs, mildew, trigger asthma and cause sinus problems and allergies. When you clean around clutter you are not really cleaning. The things you own should never be more important than the surroundings you are living in.

Clearing the clutter and getting organized will eliminate stress for you and your family and the results will be life changing!



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